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ICT innovation / Product Design and Development (2015/2016)

This course is offered at the University of Trento by the security group in the framework of the three main Master offered by Trento (Security and Privacy, Internet Technology and Architecture, Service Design and Engineering) within the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (ICT Labs).

See the UNITN S&P EIT page for further information on the Security and Privacy courses.

See the current ICT Innovation Course for further information.

Course Objective and Credits

Illustrate (some) steps of product design and developement and guide students, forming multi-disciplinary teams, into the development of a “product” as opposed to just a “project”. This course should allow students to experience what it takes to transform an idea into a product.

  • 6ECTS credits for UNITN MSc students or EIT Digital MSc students joining Trento as exit students
  • 9ECTS for EIT Digital MSc entry students (including also the EIT Digital summer school).

Lecturer and Tutors

  • Lecturer: Prof. Fabio Massacci
  • Tutors:
    • Anteneh Atumo (Phd student in Internet Technologies and Architectures),
    • Bernardo Villalba Frías (Phd student in Embedded Systems),
    • Luca Allodi (Phd student in Security and Privacy),
    • Dr Stefano Tranquillini (Phd in Service Design and Engineering)

Learning Objectives

  • Creativity: How to solve problems when not all steps are completely specified (this what you should try to do with your design/architectural result)
  • Intellectual Transformation: How to transform an idea into a product (the first “brainstorming” step is your research canvas, the last one is the final product)
  • Leadership: Organize yourselves into a team and arrive to make a final product (you should try to leverage on each other’s competences)
  • Making value judgement: Decide which parts are important and which are not based also on social or ethical considerations

Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger. Product Design and Development. 5th edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2012.

Product's Idea

The following idea for the product by Samy Kamkar has been selected for the 2015 course.

KeySweeper is a stealthy Arduino-based device, camouflaged as a functioning USB wall charger, that wirelessly and passively sniffs, decrypts, logs and reports back (over GSM) all keystrokes from any Microsoft wireless keyboard in the vicinity. All keystrokes are logged online and locally. SMS alerts are sent upon trigger words, usernames or URLs, exposing passwords. KeySweeper continues to operate using its internal battery. A web based tool allows live keystroke monitoring.

More details on the idea are available on Samy Kamkar's webpage. Read them.

Best Projects

  • Concept Canvas Show at CLC: 8 projects were presented, the two best teams are Key-9 Key-9, with the most focussed and low-cost product, and Sniffpy Sniffpy's team with the most integrated engineered product.
  • System Architecture Poster Show at CLC (Sorry no documentation here).
  • Product Show at CLC: several products where demonstrated, Key-9 was the least obvious one (all others focussed on spies and law enforcement).
ict_innovation_2015.1487545504.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/29 10:58 (external edit)