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software [2014/08/19 10:52] [Download and Run]
software [2022/01/08 19:38] (current)
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 ===== Download and Run ===== ===== Download and Run =====
 +  * **LastPyMie** (A tool for identifying the differences between build artifacts of PyPI packages and the respective source code repository) is available on [[https://​​assuremoss/​lastpymile|Github]]. The paper appears on [[https://​​lib/​exe/​fetch.php?​media=research_activities:​experiments:​esecfse2021.pdf|ESEC/​FSE'​21]].
   * {{:​| R-code (zip file)}} to generate the case controlled [[vulnerability_discovery_models|study for vulnerability exploitation]] is available for sharing. The paper appears in [[http://​​citation.cfm?​id=2630069|ACM TISSEC]]. The [[datasets|datasets]] are also available.   * {{:​| R-code (zip file)}} to generate the case controlled [[vulnerability_discovery_models|study for vulnerability exploitation]] is available for sharing. The paper appears in [[http://​​citation.cfm?​id=2630069|ACM TISSEC]]. The [[datasets|datasets]] are also available.
-  * TestREx (a Testbed for Repeatable Exploits) is available on [[https://​​standash/​TestREx|GitHub]]. Instructions on how to use are available on our [[testrex|wiki]]. The paper appears on [[https://​​system/​files/​conference/​cset14/​cset14-paper-dashevskyi.pdf|USENIX CSET'​14]]. +  ​* **TestREx** (a Testbed for Repeatable Exploits) is available on [[https://​​standash/​TestREx|GitHub]]. Instructions on how to use are available on our [[testrex|wiki]]. The paper appears on [[https://​​system/​files/​conference/​cset14/​cset14-paper-dashevskyi.pdf|USENIX CSET'​14]]. 
-  * The code for the [[malware_analysis|MalwareLab Experiment]] is {{:​|available for download ​(ZIP)}}. The paper appears in the [[https://​​conference/​cset13/​workshop-program/​presentation/​allodi|Proceedings of Usenix CSET 2013]]. An additional archive with historical releases of Mozilla Firefox, Opera Browser, Adobe Flash and Adobe Reader is also available for sharing. You can follow the guidelines [[datasets|here]] to request it. +  * **MalwareLab** scripts ​for experimenting with exploit kits described in our [[malware_analysis]] ​are available for download ​{{:​|(ZIP)}}. The paper appears in [[https://​​conference/​cset13/​workshop-program/​presentation/​allodi|Usenix CSET 2013]]. An additional archive with historical releases of Mozilla Firefox, Opera Browser, Adobe Flash and Adobe Reader is also available for sharing. You can follow the guidelines [[datasets|here]] to request it. 
-  * The Web-service for Autonomic Interactive Authorization is available as [[http://​|open source]]. The paper appears in [[http://​​10.1145/​1380422.1380424|ACM TAAS]].+  * The //Web-service for Autonomic Interactive Authorization// is available as [[http://​|open source]]. The paper appears in [[http://​​10.1145/​1380422.1380424|ACM TAAS]].
software.1408438326.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/29 10:58 (external edit)