Table of Contents

Security Research at the University of Trento

Welcome to the webpage on research and teaching in Security and Cryptography at the University of Trento.

Who We Are

See the members page to see the members of the security group.

NEW Openings

We have a position as Research Assistant Professor on Sec4AI4Sec. Apply before June 6, 12pm noon.

We are always looking for interested phd and post-doc (so please send an email to if you would like to express your interest). Beware that we always formally need to open a position and you'll need to apply.

Research Topics

Our research topics span these directions:

Research Projects

We participate in a number of research projects. The most recent ones are

Courses and Seminars

Our teaching programme spans the key subjects in the area ranging from security management to cryptography.

CTF Team

We have a local team of students at the department that train and participate to CTF competitions. We participate to Cyberchallenge.IT. If you want to join or know more about it please visit the CTF page.


You can use an email alias security research DOT disi AT unitn DOT it.

Nevertheless, the best thing is to send an email directly to one of our members.