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EMFASE Security Risk Assessment Tutorial and Exercise

The EMFASE Consortium is glad to invite you to the EMFASE Security Risk Assessment Tutorial and Hands-On Exercise to be held on the SESAR INNOVATION DAYS in Bologna on the 02-12-2015!

EMFASE is a SESAR WP-E project that aims to develop an empirical framework for the comparison, evaluation and selection of Security Risk Assessment Methods in the ATM domain.

The empirical framework will include an integrated process and detailed guidelines for how to select the risk assessment method best suited for a particular situation, e.g., concept under assessment and its maturity level, involved stakeholders, time and budget constraints, level of expertise of the Risk Assessment facilitator, etc. In order to develop the empirical evaluation framework and draw the guidelines, EMFASE classifies, evaluates and compares different Risk Assessment methods in terms of performance, measurable security impact, usability, and economy.

Read some of our past studies

  • Our framework for Security Risk Assessment Methods in the ATM domain. Published at SESAR Innovation Days 2014. Paper and Slides
  • An experiment on the effectiveness of Security Catalogues for ATM practitioners. Published at REFSQ 2015. Paper
  • An experiment on the effectiveness of Security Catalogues for Novices. Published at EmpiRE 2015. Paper (preprint) and Slides

Focus of the tutorial

The EMFASE Consortium invites SESAR Innovation Days participants to join a tutorial about Security Risk Assessment in ATM.

ATM practitioners and Security Experts will be involved in an interactive training about the SecRAM Security Risk Assessment Methodology applied to the Remotely Operated Tower operational scenario. The tutorial will engage the participants in guided ‘step-by-step’ exercises and hands-on sessions on the comprehensibility of risk models.

Agenda highlights

  • Presentation of the Remote Operately Tower Scenario
  • Training on the SecRAM Risk Assesment Methodology
  • Interactive hands-on sessions in which the SecRAM Methodology will be applied to the Remote Operately Tower Scenario
  • Risk Assessment Results presentation
  • Feedback Collection and Discussion

The EMFASE Consortium will provide the participants with an official and more detailed program of the Workshop.

Date: December 2, 2015 – 14:30-16:30.
Location: Bologna, Italy
Detailed Program: Information is coming soon.


Attendance to the EMFASE event is free but you also have to register for the SESAR Innovation Days.

Registration to the EMFASE Tutorial: Please inform the EMFASE consortium about your participation by registering via Registration Form before 06/11/2015. It is important for us to provide you with the appropriate tutorial material.

**Registration to the SESAR Innovation Days: SESAR Innovation Days WEb Page

Please forward the invitation to any of your colleagues who could be interested in attending the tutorial!

The EMFASE Consortium

EMFASE is funded under the SESAR WPE

sid-2015-tutorial.1442510890.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/29 10:58 (external edit)