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Members of the Security Group

Below you will find the members of the Security Group in Trento. we also keep a link of past members and visitors.

You can find their activities by visiting their links or by looking at the Research Topics of the Security Group.


At the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering you can find

  • Giulia Boato working on DRM, digital watermarking and image digital forensics
  • Bruno Crispo working on mobile security and authentication, keyloggers, embedded and wireless security)
  • Paolo Giorgini working on business processes security and privacy
  • Fabio Massacci who works on vulnerability assessment, empirical validation of risk and security methodologies, security economics

At the Dept. of Mathematics there is also the Applied Crypto Lab which is lead by

At the Fondazione Bruno Kessler there are also groups working on security

  • Alessandro Armando (Formal methods for security)
  • Paolo Tonella (Security testing and reverse engineering)

Post-Doctoral Researchers

PhD Students

Research and Technical Associates

  • Elisa Chiarani - EU Technical Project Manager

Visitors and Former Members


Here we include people that have visited our group for a significant period, or who are regular visitors for thesis committees or research collaboration.

  • Sandro Etalle (Prof at TU/e, Netherlands)
  • Frank Piessens (Prof at KUL, Belgium)
  • Ketil Stolen (Senior Researcher at SINTEF, Norway)
  • Julian Williams (Chair of Finance at Durham Univ., UK)

Former Members

The following people have been past members of the group.

security_group.1505573967.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/29 10:58 (external edit)