======== Security Research at the University of Trento ====== Welcome to the webpage on research and teaching in Security and Cryptography at the University of Trento. ===== Who We Are ==== See the [[security_group|members]] page to see the members of the security group. ==== NEW Openings ==== We have a position as [[https://lavoraconnoi.unitn.it/bando-dr-valcomp/504-2024-disi|Research Assistant Professor on Sec4AI4Sec]]. Apply before **June 6, 12pm noon.** We are always looking for interested phd and post-doc (so please send an email to security.positions.disi@unitn.it if you would like to express your interest). Beware that we always formally need to open a position and you'll need to apply. ===== Research Topics ==== Our research topics span these directions: * technological research (biometrics, mobile phone security, [[malware_analysis|testbeds and malware testing]], crypto for fintech) * empirical research ([[Security economics]], [[Validation of Risk and Security Requirements Methodologies|empirical risk assessment]], [[Vulnerability_discovery_models|vulnerability analysis]]) * fundamental research: [[https://squera.github.io/research/|programming language security and secure compilation]], [[http://disi.unitn.it/~massacci/CryptoSAT/|SAT-based cryptanalysis]] ===== Research Projects ==== We participate in a number of research projects. The most recent ones are * Horizon Europe project [[https://www.sec4ai4sec.eu|Sec4AI4Sec]] on machine learning and software security * Horizon Europe project [[https://crosscon.eu/|CrossCon]] on the O.S. software stack security * Horizon Europe MSCA PF [[https://securitylab.disi.unitn.it/doku.php?id=prosved|ProSVED]] on forecasting vulnerabilities * H2020 European Project [[https://assuremoss.eu|AssureMOSS]] on software vulnerability analysis ===== Courses and Seminars ==== Our teaching programme spans the key subjects in the area ranging from security management to cryptography. * **Academic Program:** the [[teaching activities|Cyber Security track in Trento]] offered both as Entry and Exit point in the framework of the [[https://masterschool.eitdigital.eu/programmes/cse/|EIT Digital Master School, Cyber Security track]], of the [[https://www.eitdigital.eu/|European Institute of Innovation and Technology]] (EIT Digital). These courses can also be taken by the students enrolled in the Computer Science Master and the Master in Mathematics offered by the University of Trento. * **Professional courses:** Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) v4.0 is out! and Trento's researchers (Fabio Massacci and Giorgio Di Tizio) are again among the authors. In the past we have organized a [[teaching activities:cvss|CVSS v3.0 Training]] on the use and interpretation of the latest revision. If you are interested in getting a new version let us know. * ** Osservatorio Cybersecurity ** (In Italian) provide information to companies and SMEs. Find more information [[https://cybersecuritydisi.unitn.it|here]]. ===== CTF Team ==== We have a local team of students at the department that train and participate to CTF competitions. We participate to [[https://cyberchallenge.it/ | Cyberchallenge.IT]]. If you want to join or know more about it please [[CTF | visit the CTF page]]. ===== Contacts ==== You can use an email alias security research DOT disi AT unitn DOT it. Nevertheless, the best thing is to send an email directly to one of our members.