====== Education Reference Frameworks Explained to the Unwashed Masses ======
This is an email I sent at some point to explain to a junior colleague the notion of an education reference framework which was a deliverable of a large research project proposal.
Let X be your favorite government, agency etc. X wants a reference education framework and, typically, has set aside a sizeable budget you want apply for or a certification programme you would.
**Disclaimer:** As you can imagine, if you need to be told, numbers of hours and subjects are //illustrative// [i.e. appropriately invented].
==== So What's a Reference Framework? ====
Something like the [[https://www.acm.org/education/curricula-recommendations|ACM/IEEE recommended Curriculum for Computer Science and Engineering]]. To call yourself Computer Scientist according to the ACM/IEEE your degree program must have :
* 30hrs of //Operating Systems//,
* 29hrs of //Algorithms//,
* 42hrs of //Computer Graphics//,
* ...
* 20hrs of //KissMyAss// and
* 35hrs of //BendYouKnee//.
For each of those subjects the document spell out what is supposed to be done in the 20hrs of //KissMyAss// to be call that way and not //BendYouKnee//. Hours and selection of topics are objective and never depend on whoever among **The Goods & The Greats** was in that committee (Homework 1). But let's not get drawn into revolutionary thoughts.
Another exampe is the DHS effort which created knowledge areas (aka superset of courses) and said
* DHS: "hey do you want to that we hire you graduates as security experts no question asked?"
* University: "Yes."
* DHS: "Well, you show me that your degree programme has" ....
* 20hrs of //InformationAssurance//,
* 15hrs of //Cryptography//,
* 32hrs of //NetworkForensics//,
* ...
* 20hrs of //NoQuestionNoLie// and
* 2hrs of //BendYourKnee//.
* (//KissMyAss// recommended elective for the government track).
==== Your Task to Save the World ====
You have to collect all reasonable areas and extend them to few pages of rant detailed description that extend into a document showing that 20hrs of //BendYouKnee (US)// are more or less the same as 15hrs of //KissMyHand (UK)//.
It might be that multple nations are involved in which case you and some chum of yours **TheG&TheG Committe** of reknown scientists then show that 15hrs with 6hrs Lab //KissMYHand (UK)// are equal to 25hrs of //BaciaManinaTestaChina (IT)// and 2liters of //GewurzTraminerHalbTrocken (AT)//.
So we end with an "aligned educational feamework" and X is happy to recommend it, make it mandatory, whatever to all its stakeholders.
==== Potential Impact on the World if You Make a Mistake ====
You shouldn't be worried of bringing nations to racks and ruins as
* Academics will ignore it wholesale because the 17hrs of //SwirlYouHead// taugth by //Prof.Dr.Eng. J.H. Knowsall// chair of nation Z **TheG&TheG** Committee is not included as you didn't know it existed ("Oh My God, how can one possibly graduate without that? I mean, really...")
* Companies will ignore it as well but will set a parallel parrot bogus test that costs a lot of money because it shows that the candidate is an entrepreneurial type and will do whatever to get the job (including answering questions wrong).
==== Impact on Your Personal Life ====
From your personal perspective, dropping few words on it helps securing a cushy academic job if the head of a degree program sitting in the interview panel has an accreditation meeting coming soon (but beware it will severely backfire if accreditation just passed).
==== Overall Conclusions ====
So said, around 99.9% of academics think this is a very serious issue improving the quality of education. Some of them even started setting up accreditation bodies (Homework 2).
==== Homeworks for the reader====
- Prove that finding similar topics in "Software and Security Engineering" Syllabi as taught by X [LeftRight Fellow, impact award, and most cited paper ever] and by Y [UpsandDowns Fellow, with an equally sizeable pile of impact awards and cited papers] is NP-hard.
- Prove by DNA sequencing that members of accreditation bodies and shopkeepers selling picks and mules to gold diggers in California belong to the same genetic pool.