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ctf [2024/02/22 14:36]
ctf [2025/02/26 14:29] (current) Updated CC page with 2025 information
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-We participate in the [[https://​​ | programme Cyberchallenge.IT.]] ​2024 (register [[https://​​students|here]]).+We participate in the [[https://​​ | programme Cyberchallenge.IT.]] ​2025.
 That means we run a training program for a selected number of students. That means we run a training program for a selected number of students.
-We will have lectures in DISI rooms. ​If you've been admitted you should have received an email with more details. Other info [[https://​​venues/​unitn|here]].+We will have lectures in DISI rooms. ​You should have received an email with more details ​if you've been admitted. Other info [[https://​​venues/​unitn|here]].
-Lectures and laboratories will be on Wednesday ​from 17.00 to 19.00 and Thursday from 15.30 to 19.30+Lectures and laboratories will be on Tuesday ​from 17.30 to 19.30 and Thursday from 15.30 to 19.30.
-We will publish a detailed schedule for this year soon.+
-Following is this year's schedule:+Following is this year's schedule: ​[[https://​​spreadsheets/​u/​1/​d/​e/​2PACX-1vT_rGefhq0H7R1lbqOGpmoH7yG3nVTXjtWahiKJP5I9UUzS-RmLGqVLGBU3rviFYKHeG7AdyKuxQ-8u/​pubhtml|CC25 Calendar]]
 +Statistics about UNITN participation to the competition [[https://​​stats/​2020/​unitn|2020]] [[https://​​stats/​2021/​unitn|2021]] [[https://​​stats/​2022/​unitn|2022]] [[https://​​stats/​2023/​unitn|2023]] [[https://​​stats/​2024/​unitn|2024]].
-^   ​Day ​       ^          Topic                                      ^ +In 2023 we ranked 2nd in the [[https://​​halloffame/​2023|national competition final]]!
-| Wed. 22.02   ​| ​   Introduction,​ Ethical Hacking and CTF basics ​    | +
-| Wed. 28.02   ​| ​   Web Security Theory: server-side ​                | +
-| Thu. 29.02   ​| ​   Web Security Lab: server-side ​                   | +
-| Wed. 06.03   ​| ​   Web Security Theory: client-side ​                | +
-| Thu. 07.03   ​| ​   Web Security Lab: client-side ​                   | +
-| Wed. 13.03   ​| ​   OSINT, Forensics and Network Security Theory ​    | +
-| Thu. 14.03   ​| ​   OSINT, Forensics and Network Security Lab        | +
-| Wed. 20.03   ​| ​   Cryptography Theory ​                             | +
-| Thu. 21.03   ​| ​   Cryptography Lab                                 | +
-| Wed. 27.03   ​| ​   TBD (CTF?​) ​                                      | +
-| Thu. 28.03   ​| ​   TBD (CTF?​) ​                                      | +
-| Wed. 03.04   ​| ​   Cryptography Theory ​                             | +
-| Thu. 04.04   ​| ​   Cryptography Lab                                 | +
-| Wed. 10.04   ​| ​   TBD                                              | +
-| Thu. 17.04   ​| ​   Reverse Engineering Theory ​                      | +
-| Wed. 18.04   ​| ​   Reverse Engineering Lab                          | +
-| Thu. 24.04   ​| ​   Reverse Engineering Theory ​                      | +
-| Wed. 02.04   ​| ​   Reverse Engineering Lab                          | +
-| Thu. 08.05   ​| ​   Pwn Theory ​                                      | +
-| Wed. 09.05   ​| ​   Pwn Lab                                          | +
-| Thu. 15.05   ​| ​   Pwn Theory ​                                      | +
-| Wed. 16.05   ​| ​   Pwn Lab                                          | +
-| Thu. 22.05   ​| ​   Pwn Theory ​                                      | +
-| Wed. 23.05   ​| ​   Pwn Lab                                          | +
-| Thu. 29.05   ​| ​   Gara Locale ​                                     | +
-| Thu. 04.07   ​| ​   Gara Nazionele* ​                                 | +
- +
-In Torino, for the 6 best students at the "Gara Locale"​. +
- +
- +
-We will provide a link to import the calendar in your preferred calendar application. +
- +
- +
-Statistics about UNITN participation to the competition [[https://​​stats/​2020/​unitn|2020]] [[https://​​stats/​2021/​unitn|2021]] [[https://​​stats/​2022/​unitn|2022]] [[https://​​stats/​2023/​unitn|2023]]. +
- +
-Last year we also ranked 2nd in the [[https://​​halloffame/​2023|national competition final]]!+
ctf.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/26 14:29 by